With last Thursday being the one year anniversary of Justin Holbrook taking charge of the club, we asked our intrepid Redvee followers over on our Social Media sites to sum up what they thought of the Coach in 5 words.

Over on Facebook our favourite was definitely Ross Metcalfe’s effort…

“The wonder from down under”… take a bow Ross, we’ll nick that for a future headline!

Whilst over on the @Redveedotnet Twitter ,our favourite came from Willis @onlywills, who summed up the thoughts of every bloke in St Helens – “I’d probably have his babies” – If only it was biologically possible eh!?

Best of the  rest

Paul Bolan @Stbollo – “Right man for the job” (Via Twitter)

Neil Simm @neilsimm – “Fantastic recoveHy following dire situation” (Via Twitter)

John Berry – “He’s brought the entertainers back!” (Via Facebook)

Tom Foster – “Justin Holbrook, the magical magician” (Via Facebook)

SE @GreenBaySaint – “Made Saints rugby fun again” (Via Twitter)

Paul Harvey – “Absolutely outstanding and funny too!” (Via Facebook)

Ells Hamblin – “Wonderful coach who gets it” (Via Facebook)

Ian Thompson @toffee1806 – “Sorted our defence and attack.” (Via Twitter)

Stuart Wright – “A lot better than Cunningham” (Via Facebook)

Ste Norris @spn245 – “Just what the club needed” (Via Twitter)

M Higgs @TheHiggsmeister – “The Guardiola of Rugby League” (Via Twitter)

Keith Hesketh – “The man with a likeable face” (Via Facebook)

Martin Darwin – “Time for a contract extension!” (Via Facebook)

Kev Dunbar – “Can you stay forever, please?” (Via Facebook)


To prove great minds think alike, Gary Taylor, Carol Lawrenson, Gareth Burrows, Phil McSpiritt and Andy Crompton, all describe Justin as “ A breath of fresh air” (via Facebook)

Adam Walsh – “Bringing the good days back” (via Facebook)

Pauline Burns – “Intelligent coach with great skills” (via Facebook)


To temper it a little…

Carl Stockley – “Needs to win some silverware” (via Facebook)

Martin Harvey – “Needs to win a trophy” (via Facebook)

Paul Heyes – “Still a work in progress!” (via Facebook)

Give the man a chance lads!


…..and finally, the thoughts of a Cas Fan:

MSP @Msp1124 – “Would be average without Barba” (via Twitter)

You just keep wearing that Champions 2017 scarf and we’ll worry about our own team! 🙂


Stay tuned for another ‘In Five Words’ next week, follow us over on facebook http://www.facebook.com/redveedotnet and on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/redveedotnet to join in!

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